morph applies various morphological operations (see Note) to an Image object.

morph(image, operation, kernel = NULL, k_shape = "rectangle",
  k_height = 5, k_width = 5, iterations = 1)



An Image object.


A string corresponding to the name of a morphological operation to apply to the image (see Note).


A binary matrix. If the matrix is not binary, all positive values will be automatically converted to 1, all negative values to 0, unless operation = "hitmiss" in which case they will be converted to -1.


A string corresponding to the shape of the kernel for the morphological operation (see Note; default: "rectangle"). Ignored if a custom kernel is provided.


The half-height in pixels of the kernel. Ignored if a custom kernel is provided.


The half-width in pixels of the kernel. Ignored if a custom kernel is provided.


The number of times the morphological operations should be applied.


An Image object.


There are 8 types of morphological operations that can be achieved with this function:

  • "erode":for each point, returns the minimum of the points in its neighborhood, with that neighborhood defined by the kernel.

  • "dilate":for each point, returns the maximum of the points in its neighborhood, with that neighborhood defined by the kernel.

  • "open":erosion followed by dilation.

  • "close":dilation followed by erosion.

  • "gradient":difference between the dilation and the erosion of an image.

  • "tophat":difference between an input image and its opening.

  • "blackhat":difference between the closing and its input image.

  • "hitmiss":(1) erodes the image with kernel > 0; (2) erodes the complement of the image with kernel < 0; (3) returns the intersection (AND) of step 1 and step 2. The hit-or-miss transform is the basis of more advanced morphological operations such as thinning or pruning.

There are 3 types of predetermined kernel shapes that can be used with this function when a custom kernel is not provided:

  • "rectangle" (the default):

  • "cross"

  • "ellipse"

See also


Simon Garnier,
